IT Leader & Entrepreneur

I use Notion for a tremendous amount of tasks. Applications range from CRM & task management to lithium battery and electric skateboard design. Ultimately, this flexibility and power comes at a cost… accessing this mini-apps on a phone becomes a high friction point. As I consolidate more and more applications to Notion, I find that this powerful tool becomes a bit slow to access. Alas, it was time to find a quick draw method for Notion on my iPhone. 😉

Some of the Notion shortcuts that I use frequently in my business.

I searched for methods to create home screen shortcuts to Notion URLs and came across an EXCELLENT iOS shortcut by Federico Viticci at MacStories. His shortcut creates home screen shortcuts with custom icons (I encourage you to check out the article linked below). Next, I modified a portion of this to create home screen shortcuts that open in Notion. The updated shortcut automatically replaces Notion page URLs with notion:// URLs. As a result, these shortcuts do not open pages in Safari.

You can check out my iOS Shortcut here:

In short, this allows you to create custom shortcuts to Notion pages on iOS devices. You can choose icons from other apps to use (think tasks, contacts, etc). Hopefully this simple trick will save time navigating to frequent pages! Finally, don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or feedback.


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